Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Favorite blog Monday

We had a long holiday weekend.
Friends and food, rest and prayer...
No better way to heal yourself.
Inside and out.
Mental overload is not  a productive way to live.
Having too much on your mind can overwhelm you
prevent you from being effective with your work,
and enjoying the moment
Having a clear mind can really help you focus on what matters – in your work and life.
Creative sparks rarely come to us when we are thinking hard about something.
When you look at where insights come from,
they come from where we least expect them.
They only arrive after we stop looking at them.
I feel blessed that we are given this opportunity that forces us to stop.
Feeling refreshed I am now ready to reveal my second favorite blog post.
This blog satisfies me on many levels.
Her profile reads:
rachel awes works as a licensed psychologist + art playgroundist + she likes to affirm the beauty + strength in the real stories in people
I think when you check her out you too will be fascinated.
Please let me know how much you enjoy her works of art.
Her unique way of expression is something that I admire.
I am still looking for a way to define myself and I always admire those who do!
I love that you can 'recognize' her work.
So check her out here!


Eden said...

I always come away from Rachel's blog feeling better about myself and others!! She is truly gifted :D