Been a while but here I am.
I've been doing some knitting.
So I haven't been wasting time exactly.
I'm actually on a scrapbooking 'strike' if anyone noticed.
Y'kow how people go on a starvation diet to bring attention to their cause?
Well I'm kinda doing the same thing.
Except it's for MY cause.
I've come to the end of the road.
It's time.
It's time for me to be indulged.
Who's in?
Any ideas how I can pull this one off?
I'm thinking an entire wall in the 'sheitel room'
covered in peg board
like a store
(oh, my little heart skips a beat).
Let me end this with a line that I always say
(at the risk of Marrisa killing me)
i don't know...
But what I do know for sure to be true is that I love to read.
I love books.
Going to the library/bookstore still brings me the same thrill I felt when I was young.
Every Friday before Shabbos I remember walking to the Maple Street library.
(usually in fear of my life)
But nothing stopped me.
The excitement of discovering a new book kept me going back.
Still does.
My favorite books are those that teach me something.
If there is one line that speaks to me, it was worth reading.
I envy those that use words to paint a picture more vibrant than what the eye can see.
Imagine being able to express your deepest thoughts
in a language so clear
that someone else actually understands...internalizes...relates to your experience.
Even if they don't feel the way you do.
ESPECIALLY if they don't feel the way you do.
I would like to share with you, from time to time, powerful words that I happen to come by
that resonate with me for one reason or another.
I will call these posts...
familyfirst Octo. 31 2012 p. 23)
"......Often we focus on the particular offending charecteristic as the problem. Rabbi Scwartz calls this seeing the issue from the middle, rather than from the source. The metophor he uses is that of a person setting out on a long excursion on a hot day. He leaves his home without taking water, and several hours into the trek is so thirsty that he feels faint. He thinks to himself,
What shoud I do now? I don't have any water! He has a very real problem, but the true problem is that he didn't perceive the need for water before he left..." -Debbie Greenblatt
To me this is a great lesson.
If you stand too close to the moment you are in
you fail to see the bigger picture.
Back it up.
That's when you see the real beauty.
Every step forward that you take today
should be planned way ahead of time.
That's what grown ups do.
I will get back to scrapbooking soon enough
but meanwhile I hope you enjoy what else I have to share with you.
I finally finished this pullover.
love it!