Thursday, September 6, 2012

First day of school.

I hope you will learn the difference between right and wrong. 
I hope you will learn to be strong enough to tell your friends "no" when you need to. 
You won't always make the right choices but that's part of life and growing up. 
I know you will learn right from wrong 
and will eventually become a leader in your class. 
Influencing others to do positive things instead of negative.
You are so smart, sweet little girl. 
It amazes me to no end to see and hear 
(from far away) 
how you have grown. 
I am so proud of you and can't wait to see how you continue to grow.
I love you more than you will ever know!


rachel awes said...

what a lucky ducky girl to have a mama who puts together the pieces of her beauty to shine back to her. LOVExox