My salon chair looked tired.Sooooo tired.
I got this chair from a thrift shop 30 years ago.
So my guess is it's about 40-50 years old.
It's been used almost every day and it's still as strong as ever.
But it was definitely time for a new fresh look.
So one day it hit me.
Before buying a new one.
I can make it a DIY project!
What do I have to lose?
Can't look worse than this!
Hmmmmm, so now I needed an idea.
It has to be a creative one.
Google - Painting Vinyl...
The only paint I had at home was seafoam green.
I wanted to start it right away.
So I painted it green and didn't like it much.
Change the color.
White is better.
I dug out my handy sander.
Found a bottle of primer.
And got to work!
Looks better already.
But still doesn't have my name on it.
Could be anyone's chair.
How could I make it stand out.
Back to Google.
Did anyone ever use Sharpies on vinyl?
Found only one chair
Yes that's it.
I can draw and doodle all over it.
Who says that's not ok?!?
Now I was really having fun.
I removed the handles, lifted the chair off the base and had a ball!
The end result is fun and artsy and has my name written all over it (so to speak).
Start and just jump in!
I adore
Silverstein's poems.
So I found one that worked for me and wrote it on the chair.
Love it so far.
Some things I've learned.
1.Take the time to prep. End result is much better.
2. Don't wear anything you do not want to stain.
3. Do Not get a manicure the day before you start.
4. Give yourself a lot of time. It will probobly take longer than you think.
5. Sharpies are your best friend!
So there you go.
Now when my DD asks me what I'm doing with my doodles I can show her this!
I am really happy with the result.
Now I need to make wall art to match.
When I try something new I feel like I am really living.
Trying something new often requires courage.
Trying something new opens up the possibilityfor you to enjoy something.
Trying something new keeps you from getting bored.
And most importantly
Trying something new forces you to grow.
Go ahead.
Try something new.